Remote Work Best Practices in Uncertain Times

Remote work best practices in uncertain times: because social distancing and dealing with the guilt of feeling less productive than normal are hard.

Set boundaries around your work-life balance

The #WFH life can quickly devolve into checking emails in bed and putting in extra hours late at night because you feel guilty you had to take extra time caring for your family.

Boundaries around your work-life balance might include:

Physical boundaries: Dedicate a space that is the only spot in your home where you work. And while it's easier said than done, no phone or laptop (at least for work purposes!) in bed.

Mental boundaries: Log out of your work email over the weekend and resist the urge to feel productive by staring at your computer screen longer than it's actually effective.

Find a weekly work - or social - group

Having even just an hour of accountability each week can be incredibly beneficial to getting those essential tasks done.

If you're looking for an accountability partner or two, why not post in our member group to find someone to work along with?

Replicate morning coffee breaks

No one is a 24/7 productivity machine, normally. (If you are - please reach out and tell us all your secrets!) Don't be afraid to recreate the ebb and flow of a normal workday with some brain breaks scattered in there.

Whether your coffee break is taken with your toddler IRL or a virtual coworker, make space for a little downtime in your day.

Also, replicate happy hours

Ditto, but with cocktails or beers. Members, make sure you're in the member network for upcoming happy hour events!

We hope you're staying safe and well in these unprecedented times. We also hope you'll join us for some of our upcoming virtual offerings. Working (alone) from home doesn't have to be lonely.